Sunday 31 January 2016

Music Maestro, Please

Coffee at the bar and this time the other Nicole joined us as did Annie. Then we stayed on for a steak.
Later in the afternoon I went with Philippe and the two Genevives to a concert given by 6 musicians (4 violins, 2 cellos) from the "Ochestre de la Catalogne". On the programme was Beethoven's 6th, the Pastoral. The lead musician, Vincent Pouchet, who is a lead soloist with the Toulouse Orchestra,  just held the audience in the palm of his hand as he described the musical imagery of each movement.
We were almost at the end of the 3rd movement when all the lights went. Apparently the local hunters had somehow managed to plunge the whole area into darkness. People appeared with their portable phones to light the scores and the 4th movement was played without fault! The lights came back on and there was an encore and after that Vincent played a solo in complete darkness as he felt it would add a little something extra!
Came home, lighter of spirit for a bowl of soup and an evening of tv.
15°, cloudy

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