Tuesday 12 January 2016

A Pleasant Interlude in the Sun

Spent the morning a little farther afield as Michel whisked me off to the market in Figueres. It was lovely strolling around in the warm sunshine; just like being on holday in fact. Michel is the wee guy, in case you're wondering!
Bought some plants for my window boxes, free range eggs at 2€ /dozen; a real bargain. It was a temptation to stock up on fruit and veg at a fraction of the price I'd pay here but needing to adjust to buying for just one, I resisted.
All this excitement was topped off with a hot chocolate sitting out in the sun
Spanish group in the afternoon and then home to write New Year cards. Previously I would do the Christmas cards for the UK and Christian would follow the French tradition and present our "Meilleurs Vœux" to family and friends here. Ah yes, yet another reminder of the changes to be lived with.
This evening was our first apérobio of 2016 with all four of us present to sample the delights of Nico's latest array of tapas. He's going from strength to strength and log may it continue, says I!
15° blue skies in Figueres, little light cloud in the village getting heavier later

14° cloudy and drizzly

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