Thursday 14 January 2016

Wine, Women and Woes

Language exchange as usual this morning, followed as usual by a glass of rosé in the bar. Didn't stay for soup and cheese though as I had food in the fridge and the Association web site to catch up with.
This evening we had another meeting of the women's group and needless to say the chat was aided by a galette and a choice of cider or pina colada. Fewer than usual which wasn't a surprise as there was a wee knot of women who didn't seem very interested the last time and sad to say, I don't think they'll actually be missed. I'm also disappointed that two other women have pre-existing issues with a couple of members so one doesn't want to join and the other "couldn't" make it this week. Was this really a good idea?
One of the Nicole's went home and the other joined me at the bar for a hot chocolate to keep night chill out.
14°, blue skies but feeling chilly in the wind

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