Thursday 28 January 2016

Beating Stress

How quickly the language exchange comes around and there's mutiny in the ranks. Terry is avoiding being in the same group as one of the women. She's a pretty forceful character who usually has her own agenda but I have to say that I find her amusing. At least she shakes us all up. A drink at the bar followed and then it was home for a quick bite to eat before heading off for a carnival costume sort out. My kilt and plaid should arrive at the beginning of next week.
This evening I attended a presentation on Sophrology given by one of the Association's member who has a practice in the area.
There weren't a lot of us there; the French in backwaters like here are pretty sceptical about Complementary Health techniques. The presentation end with a relaxation session and with Christian looking down on us, I closed my eyes and went with it. Terry should try it!

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