Tuesday 19 January 2016

Bon Provecho!

Started the day with a trip to the recycling with Maggie. Slowly but surely though goodness knows if I'll ever get rid of all the unnecessary stuff in the house. Revived ourselves afterwards with a coffee at the nearby bakery which is a recycled service station. They're springing up all over the place here as the supermarkets become the main petrol suppliers. Don't have any recollection if it's the same in UK.
A good job done, there was just enough time to get ready to join the others from the Spanish workshops on a lunch out over the border at "El Jou Vell" which serves a good buffet meal starting with an apéritif and canapés. http://www.restauranteljouvell.cat/fra/home.html
Lots of choice and thankfully the clientelle is not one that piles it's plates greedily high.
4° in morning rising to 11°. Cold but sunny

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