Wednesday 27 January 2016

Fully Clothed Chefs

Went into town and met Françoise for coffee and then Rowena for lunch at Al Catala where I'd eaten last Friday. Came back to try and get to grips with my UK tax. What a head ache. Still, fun was just around the corner as James, my NZ artist friend had promised to give Jean-Jacques a cooking lesson from Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals. Don came along as the sauce chef. There was enough  leek and potato gratin with serrano wraped chichen and avocado salad to feed an army but we weren't complaining even if it did take considerably longer than 15 minutes!
Talking of which, I see that Mary Berry was slated in the press for her soggy Beef Wellington that she did on her latest progrmme. I have French friends who prefer to call it Beef Napoleon but what's in a name? Soggy is the same where ever you are. Poor old Mary. Wonder what she's doing this week and who's lining up to usurp her crown? But I digress .......
14°, foggy start, sun then cloud

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