Sunday 10 January 2016

Quiet Weekend

The usual Sunday ritual of coffee with Nicole and Nicole and a couple of others. Lunch was a change from the usual steak/frites; we went instead for "tartiflette", better known  as cheese, lardons and potato gratin .  Washed down with a glass of red wine.
And was it scrummy.  .... mmmmm!
14°, sunshine and showers

A quick coffee and then it was off to the market with Michel going our seperate ways once there. Met up with Nicole for another coffee, chat then a quick whizz around a much diminished market.
In the afternoon, the other Nicole came by for a cuppa and to help me order some visiting cards. Not as pompous as it sounds, most people are armed with them here. Have to say that it is a nicer idea than scraps of paper.
15°, sunshine and cloud

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