Monday 4 January 2016

Cold Comfort

Needless to say, my first job was to find an electrician. I only have to wait until tomorrow for someone to come to the rescue.
It's really starting to feel cold in the house so with an evening in and plenty of logs ready to, I lit the fire. As I took the decorations down I even decided to flick a duster around and spray a bit of polish in an effort to cheer the place up.
It was a good job that I did as Terry and Ann called in for a cuppa and a piece of Christmas cake. Well, I can't eat it all myself; not that it would be much of a sacrifice as it's pretty moreish. It's all that booze that the fruit soaks  in for a week. Delia has come up trumps yet again!
14°, chilly, light rain showers in the afternoon

As the off peak had finished by the time I got up, I reset the trip switch and was back in business. Being Sunday, I went for coffee and met up with the two Nicole's. Stayed on for steak and chips and came home to make the most of functioning electricity. Another early night with a book and a torch; not since I was a teenager. What an image it conjures up!
Sunny spells in the morning

It was a chilly morning to make such an early start but the bus waits for no one. Still it got me all the way down to the market where I met up with Maggie to go for a coffee where by chance we met up with Hotense, Bridget and Liz. There weren't many traders at the market so it didn't take us long to get around even though we stopped to buy sweaters. Mine, a rather fetching  loose knitted cowl neck tunic has been a great success!
Arrived home to find that there wasn't any electricity - a good start to the new year, eh. My neighbour, came in and showed me how to put the trip switch back and lo and behold, there was light. Well, that is until 10pm when the off-peak kicked in to fire up the water and storage heaters and  I was plunged into darkness! Managed with a torch and retreated to bed.
Chilly and cloudy

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