Tuesday 26 January 2016

Just Picture It!

What a lovely surprise! Two pairs of cashmere socks from Ann in Scotland to help keep my feet warm arrived in the post. One for daytime and one for bed. Schhh don't tell anyone, don't want to spoil the image but if it does, "tant pis" as the French say, my wee tootsies are snug and toasted.
Had a meeting at Geneviève's to talk about the "Creating an animated slide show"workshop that I'd talked her into doing for the association. A priviledge of setting it up is getting a place!  I wonder if I'll be able to insert one on the blog. Kindly she invited me to stay for lunch.
Then it was off to Spanish followed in the evening by dinner at Joan and Thérèse's. The get-together with Linde, Jean and Françoise, Jean and Marie was to watch the film of their wedding. Our "Becassine" (see 24th Sept) dance came out better than I had hoped and we didn't look too foolish.
By chance today was the best day for us all and it just happens to be their four month anniversary. They're still radiating happiness or was it the cava effect? And what about this dessert? Pretty splendid, isn't it? So, we won't talk about today's calorie count!
14°, foggy start, warm and sunn by 10am, cloud by 2pm

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