Friday 15 January 2016

My Favourite Frenchman

Feeling bitterly cold in the strong wind kept me close to home this morning but I had to venture out in the afternoon to go flower making. We made 750 this afternoon and every week the number needed seems to go up. I've heard both 8,000 and 10,000 mentioned! Our work was enlivened by lots of chat, tea  and galettes. For a change they were apple filled, making them lighter than the frangipane ones.
This evening's vernissage was a great success. My three line whip paid off resulting in a great attendance. James who paints with a palette knife did a demonstration and there was a real buzz of animated chatter. He sold well, too. Can't tell you how delighted I was to see Christian's portrait on view in the room named for him and hear James call him "my favourite Frenchman" which is the title of the painting. He's mine too!
Being on a high, the evening couldn't end there; some of us headed over to the bar for something to eat (couldn't resist the tartiflette) and as a bonus were entertained on the guitare by Kevin.
10°, Cold and sunny

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