Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tradesmen and Musicians

The electrician arrived as promised and found that the problem was with the water heater which was leaking so, I needed a plumber. Much to my surprise, one arrived about 10 minutes after the electrician had gone having been called out by him. That's what I call service. A charming young man who had to go into Perpignan to get the necessary piece but by the end of the afternoon the element had dried out and the new flange fitted. There was a possibility that the damp that was still lingering might cause the system to trip but I left all and went to the "Soirée Guitares" at the bar trusting to luck. Glad I did; there was a great ambiance and I caught up with Jean-Jacques. There were new people to meet too; Australian friends of Ann and Terry and a women from another village who was interested in learning English with the association. Just look at the photo of Kevin playing blues/rock. How many bluesmen do you know who wear specs on the end of their nose? Anyway, he brought the house down.
As for the electricity, there was no need for
the torch that I'd left inside the front door. Result! I'm on the up.
12° Rain for most of the day

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