Friday 8 January 2016

Queen Bee

Today was devoted to the Association, starting at 9am with a committee meeting. Then there was the Language Exchange. Soup and cheese followed at the bar. Admin in the afternoon before going to help set up for the "Vœux de la Présidente". If you've been following "Chitchat" for a while and you've been paying attention, you'll know that it involves a speech from the boss lady, cider and galettes. So the second in two days and to my dismay, someone said that there were 500 calories in a slice! Enough said about that the better. The upside was that I found the charm in my piece and became "queen".
Came home and had a first video call to my "Little Sis". Sound wasn't that great but it was lovely to see her even if it was virtual. Have to say, finding the way through the process was a wee bit complicated for a non-savvy social media user. Someone, please, tell me it will get easier with practice.
It was said o be 17° but it was humid and didn't feel like it.

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