Wednesday 6 January 2016

Listen Up There!

Had a good sleep and a lovely hot shower so was a little late arriving for the French conversation group. Françoise was in the process of organising the traditional "Galette des Rois" (Frangipane flaky pastry tart) traditional at this time of year. As you all know there's such thing as a free whatever; Françoise hardly paused for breath while "educating us about the history of religion in France and when she did our two Belgian members were in like a shot!
Lunch time, James, my Kiwi artist friend took me for a pizza after we'd collected some of his paintings that had been on show in a winery (as he'd say) in Trouillas. While in town I went with him to help pay a cheque into his local bank and I went to mine to try and sort out my new cheque book. Not sure if I mentioned that I was sent one to replace the one that had been in both our names by one in just Christian's. You can only despair!
Rest of the day was spent sorting out a room for the English conversation group that were facing a last minute eviction for this evening then calmly catching up with phone calls and admin stuff. And after all those calories there was no Xmas cake with my cuppa nor my usual rummage in the fridge supper.
11° sunshine and cloud

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