Monday 18 January 2016

Melting the Plastic

The long promised day out with Pauline and Penny dawned chilly and cloudy but did that matter? Of course not for us veteran shoppers and droppers.
Started off at the big outlet centre in la Jonquera parking in the underground park that has green and red lights over each space to indicate if it's vacant or not. No more forlornly driving around and finally spying a place only to find that there's a short car tucked away there. Then when you come back and have forgotten the number of your  parking spot, you can key in your registration number and up pops the answer! We trailed around but if I'm honest, it's not my favourite shopping experience. The long coffee stop on comfortable sofas was much more to my liking.
Having whiled away the morning we set off for a leisurely lunch at Pa Volador just the other side of Figueres and lo and behold, Dominique the village hairdressers was there. No escape, eh? Stiil there was a great menu in characterful surroundings with good service; all for 16€ including wine. What could be better?
Hit the shops as it started to drizzle and finally arrived home with two skirts and two pairs of trousers just before 9pm. Sad to say, there were a handful of our usual shops that were no longer there. Times aren't getting any better it would seem.

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