Monday 17 July 2017

Another Meal Out

Went with Nick to the supermarket as Nono and Evelyn (other cousins of Christian's) are due to visit this week. My kind of shopping; a quick whizz around and home.
Met Ann and Dani for coffee which lasted until lunch time. Dozed off on the settee after my rapidly thrown together salad but was woken by a fire engine going by.
This evening JJ and I were invited for a buffet supper at Nicole V's along with a German couple, Jürgen and Karin and Roger, a Brit who couldn't stay for more than a drink. We ate well, talked a lot and made appreciative comments about all the work that had been done in the house. The work had lasted about 10 months so I can quite understand why she'd want to show it off.
30°, short downpour at the end of the afternoon.

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