Saturday 8 July 2017

Where's the Social Life Gone?

8.7.17: A Tiny Bit of Play
This time the three guys who were to put in the big patio window in the Nest, arrived on time, at 8am. While they, huffed, puffed and sweated away, I spent a pleasurable moment at the market. Went in with Michel and had coffee with Françoise whom I met by chance.
The workers finished, leaving the place tidy for 3pm and I continued having a lazy day.
28°, sun
7.7.17: A Quite a Bit of Work
This morning the Association organised the last boules tournament before having a break over summer. Didn't play, just helped organise the apéritif and of course took a few photos for the website which is almost as behind as "Chitchat".
Rather than having a leisurely lunch with the boulists on the terrace of the bar, I came back and scrubbed the small terrace which was a bit green and grubby in places. The height of summer is not the best time but it's so good to see it done.
Sauveur, the electrician came around to bring back my key and have some coffee and sympathy after a near death experience recently.
Finally managed to catch up with Philippe for our bagpipe meeting over an apéritif  then it was home to a stint in front of the telly.
29°, sun and blue skies

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