Sunday 16 July 2017

Trying to do a Good Deed

Coffee with Nicole S, Anne and Regina a new "recruit". Regina is of Polish origin and was widowed at much the same time as me. She's for ever saying come and visit me as she's lonely but sadly she's a bit hard going, so it's not surprising that I've not found my way over. I though joining us for coffee on a Sunday would help get her out but she didn't linger long with us and I'm not sure she'll come back again. Nicole S didn't make much effort with Regina, immediately giving me her seat next to her so she didn't have to continue listening to her. The 3 of us who were left had lunch but as the terrace was busy and noisy we didn't hang about. Came home to do the blog and make a salad with this tomato that Martine had given me. It weighed 654g (about 1lb 8oz) and was delicious.Weather:
32°, sun

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