Wednesday 26 July 2017

Work, Rest and Play

Little Sis's holiday is off to a good start; dustbins last night and helping clean the small patio this morning. There was no wind to blow the leaves and dust back again, so we had to get on with it. Looked so much better. Afterwards we went for a stroll around the village; so as the photo shows you, Jill isn't exploited all the time. Ended up back at the bar for a coffee with Nancy and plenty of chat.
Lunch at home and then a bit of pottering before going over to Christian's room to see the exhibition. Strolled a bit more afterwards and met Michel and Dolores. Michel's a keen gardener villand he invited us to come along and look around. We came away with a couple of courgettes, an aubergine, a pepper and some sprigs of lavender. Came back via the allotment in which I have a 1/5th share and helped ourselves to some of the apples that were growing in abundance.
Spent the evening quietly, watching "Pride", a bitter/sweet film that's well worth watching if you haven't already done so.
28° sun, feeling cooler with the wind that rose in the afternoon

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