Saturday 22 July 2017

Keeping Tradition Alive

My usual Sir Galahad's being away, I joined Yasmin and Nancy for a trip to the market though we did split up until it was time to meet for a drink. Almost immediately, I bumped into Hortense, so Radio Times already purchased, we retired to the café for a coffee and chinwag. And there I stayed until it was time to meet the others at this very place. Jean and Françoise and then Nany and André happened by and joined our table. We had a prime spot from which to watch the the sardane being danced by enthusiasts in the town for the annual festival. I also got to meet Frederick, who not only plays in one of the "cobla" (a group playing traditional catalan music on traditional instruments but is also a teacher from the conservatoire in Pepignan and an expert on the Catalan bagpipes. A useful contact for "Project Cornemuse".
It was quite late by the time we got back to the village so it was a short afternoon until it was time to costume up and dance our way down to the recreation ground behind our carnival float accompanied by waves, toots and shouts from passing cars. Those who drove by with po faces were seriously booed. Who cares if we were making fools of ourselves.
There didn't seem to be as many people as usual for the mussels and chips and outdoor disco so Nicole P and I stopped only to whet our whistles. Went back up to the bar where we met Nancy on her way down who did a "u" turn and joined us for a coffee. Jacques first port of call after three weeks away was the bar to watch the Women's European Cup (football). He joined us until we all went home in separate directions.
28°, sun

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