Friday 21 July 2017

Everything comes to she who waits!

21.7.17: Invitations like Bananas come in Bunches
This evening I was invited to dinner, 2 apéritif dinatoires and Sylvie's 50th birthday party which was the invitation that I had accepted ages ago. Sylvie, who has a second home here, is French, married to a German and lives in Switzerland. Around the table were French, Catalans, Germans a Swiss and a Brit (me).
I had a wee titter to myself as also invited were the now retired village school headmaster and his wife. For several years after the 2008 elections she'd cut us dead because Christian stood on André's list, rather than her husband's. I followed my usual strategy of always making a point of saying "hello/bonjour" to anyone who tries to snub me. My tenacity paid off and this evening we kissed, chatted and laughed together like old pals.
Ate some traditional Catalan starters, my second paella of the season and some lovely farm produced cheese. At this point we took a break to go and watch the fireworks that had been postponed from last week then came back and had some serious chocolate cake (I'm drooling just thinking of it!) and fougasse, a traditional yeast dough base covered with confectioner's custard, fruit, orange blossom water and pine nuts. Goes without saying that the GP's cut - down - on - sugar advice went out of the window with nary a second thought!
29°, sun, cloud and a light shower late afternoon

20.7.17: Crocodile in the Sky
Was able to escape from the Language Exchange as Nono and Evelyn phoned to say that their camper van was packed up and ready to roll. We met at the bar for a last coffee and said our goodbyes. Jean and Françoise happened by too so I was still sitting there when the exchange folk arrived for their well earnt refreshment. It will be nice when I can join them in a cold glass of rosé but still, not too long now.
Spent the afternoon going round in circles trying to find B and B accommodation for my trip away with Ann and Noel later this year. Who would've thought that it could be so difficult but there again, I want a place that does an evening meal, has lots of character, is in a picturesque town exactly on the route I want us to take. Oh yes, and of course for an amazing price! Actually I can't believe how much prices have gone up since the last time I had to do this.
Here's tonight's sunset with a crocodile shaped cloud. Rest assured, the black splodge is not a UFO hurtling its way toward the village but presumably a dust speck that's found itself into the camera. I'll just have to live with it as I guess it'll cost quite a lot to get it cleaned.
30°, a sprinkling of overnight rain, cloud both ends of the day

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