Sunday 30 July 2017

More Shoes on the Agenda, Al Fresco Dining on the Menu

Kathy took Jill, Dolores, her neighbour and myself to St Laurent up in the mountains for the "Fête des Espadrilles". A shuttle bus took us from field parking into the centre of the village and we were glad that we'd made an early start as we didn't have to stand around in the sun waiting our turn. I had hoped to find a colourful pair of espadrilles with wedges for myself but sadly my feet are too wide. So the plastic card stayed firmly in my purse.
I didn't find anything in the "Toiles de Soleil" factory shop which sells material and all kinds of obects made from this colourful fabric either. It's sold worldwide and is very expensive. 
It was hot and very busy so we collected the car and went up to the golf course for an apéritif. Christian and I often came here to get away from it all. It specifically brought back memories of an overnight stay that we had here; fabulous views and calm.
No rest this afternoon as there was food to prepare for this evening's guests (Jean, Françoise, Jacques, JJ, Lisa and Nancy) and pleased to say, all was ready for when they arrived. Much to my surprise, people came bearing birthday gifts. Hadn't realised that they knew! Of course we ate on the newly cleaned upstairs terrace. It was good to be reminded what a pleasant place it is, so hopefully I won't be quite so lazy about making an effort to carry things up. In any case, people lend a hand so I've been a bit feeble really.
Eventually, we went over to the bar to catch the last of the country and western concert. Then it was home to bed in readiness for an early start tomorrow.
29°, hot and still

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