Monday 24 July 2017

Away to the Mountains

This is getting to be a habit: my trip with Nick to Le Boulou, that is. This time I was after 5m of anti-pigeon spikes but at over £25 for 1m50, I gave them a body swerve. Maybe, the internet will come up with something cheaper.. Came back in time for a coffee with Nicole P and then along came Nancy and then Anne.
Once again I was saved having to cook as I, David and Laura, Jim and Mags, Maud and Daniel were invited up into the mountains for lunch at Monique and Roland's. Lots of home grown fruit and veg on the menu, stunning views and entertainment from their twin grandsons.
On the way home, Maud and Daniel took me around to see the new house they are renovating. My goodness, they are pretty courageous given all there is to do; rather them than me.
28°, sun

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