Monday 31 July 2017

The Early Bird Catches the Worm(s)

Up and out this morning at 9am to meet Françoise to go to Collioure. Fortunately found a parking space and didn't have to queue too long for the Little Train.
It was a great wee trip up through the vines to the Fort St Elme where there was a photo stop and back down again through Port Vendres along the coast back to Collioure. Another day of fabulous views and Jill was particularly taken by a profusion of blue Morning Glory on two sides of the road.
A swim came next and this photo was taken afterwards behind the Château Royal on the way back to the car. As you can see, the wind was blowing which helped keep us a little cooler. Made a detour through the picturesque back streets to the car park without buying a thing.
Françoise then drove us up the narrow vertiginous road to the Cap Béar lighthouse and more spectacular views. Golly, it was hot. On the way back down to Port Vendres we picked up an English (from Middlesborough) hitch hiker who was escaping his friends who were drinking champagne on their yacht as he felt sea sick! Almost had his complete life story as an artist before we arrived in the town. Also learnt that his partner is a chocolate maker who sells in the market on a Saturday, so no doubt our paths will cross again. Well, I know they will as the Association has already talked about going to visit where it's made this autumn.
A sandwich lunch, a quick stop at Françoise's daughter's and a visit to the festival at Palau del Vidre which is known for glass making.
Lots of craft displays around the centre of the village and fascinating demonstrations. can you imagine having to work in this heat?
Home in time for a cuppa and to draw breath before going over to Yasmin and Reza's for an Iranian meal. Lovely subtle flavours and interesting conversations in English whilst sitting out on the verandah.
32°, overcast start, sun and very hot

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