Saturday 15 July 2017

Another Day, Another Dress

15.7.17: Another Day, Another Dress
Don and Vlad arrived as arranged at 9am to knock out the fireplace and they found it was harder than they thought it would be. There was a lot of sledge hammering, grunting and sweating going on as a consequence. Anyway, I left them to it and went with Michel to the market. We were really pushing our luck as being the big annual festival (think bars in the streets, bull fights, young bulls running in the street, marching bands, crowds and an enormous amount of "merrymaking" and noise) as most locals who are not into the festivities, avoid the town like the plague. Several of the regular market traders give it a miss too. We managed to find a parking space at the supermarket and then went our separate ways until it was time to come back. For once, I hardly met anyone I knew and as well the usual dogs on leads, pushchairs and shopping trolleys, there were also the bandas and the crowds gathered around them to listen to them and lots of temporary stalls to negotiate as well. I bought another dress today; it's the same as the one Janine bought in one of the shops in the town, though at half the price. (See 14.6.17 post)
Michel invited me to share a pot luck lunch with him to which I contributed. Well, with the state that my place was in, I couldn't have invited him to mine with all the dust and rubble that had been created.
The workers left about 4pm after passing the mop over the floor but of course, I needed to go over it again. Finally finished dusting, hoovering and mopping in the kitchen, sitting room and down the stairs at 9pm. I was nothing if not thorough! By this time, I was hot, tired and hungry and needless to say worn out. To make matters worse I only got 4 hours sleep that night but hey, there's no need to feel sorry for me, it's hardly the end of the world!
31°, sun

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