Wednesday 19 July 2017

My Home from Home

19.7.17: Twice in One day
Made the camp site my first stop this morning in order to catch up with Nono and Evelyn. Like most campers they were up and about when I arrived and typically, Nono, he'd made friends with the groundkeeper who'd cut them a deal on the electricity! We went down to the bar for a coffee and chat in the shade and were joined by Jean and Françoise. Home for a salad lunch. Spent the afternoon quietly watching the Tour de France with the shutters closed to keep the sun and heat out.
Soon, it was time to organise the apéritif for this evening's vernissage in Christian's room. Attendance was better of late, I suppose because Jean who is a member of the Association, is from the village and his photos were of the area.
10 of us came back to mine for a glass of cava while waiting for the flamenco evening at the bar.
Loli, also a member of the Association who came with us to Scotland, and Antonio gave a fabulous performance. The paella was excellent, the audience appreciative and the atmosphere lively. We're all hoping that Jean-Louis will rebook them. If you look back over these posts you'll see that this village showcases a wealth of artistic talent. Long may it continue!
31°, sun and slightly less wind

18.7.17: Three Times in One Day
Started the day at the bar with Nicole P, Brigette and Martine (yes, another one). Moved from their table to another to have more coffee with Penny, Kate and Lynn with whom I had a meeting to discuss a forthcoming event that "Cancer Support France" is organising in the village. Showed them around the facilities at the recreation ground that they're going to be using and gathered one or two things to do in my role as liaison with the Mairie.
We then came back to the bar for lunch. Just had an omelette and downed lots of water.
Finally, I spent the whole of this afternoon bringing the blog up to date. Yes, you're reading this in real time!
This evening the rump of the "Project Bagpipe" group had a meeting once again at the bar. David was able to report that he'd had a favourable response to the proposition. Did a double take at one point to see Nono and Evelyn in the square, a day earlier than I'd anticipated. No problem though. They'd installed their camping car at the village camp site and said they'd entertain themselves this evening as I was busy.
Meeting over, I stayed on for a short time for a chat with Vanessa and Debra and then went home to my remote control.
30°, blue skies, wind in the evening

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