Thursday 6 July 2017

A Slow Start to the Week

6.7.17: Liberating our "Inner Child."
Was able to cut the language exchange this morning as i had a bus to catch to take me to Henri and Michèle's for lunch. A BBQ with their artist cousin Any was on the menu. Even in the shade, it was hot. Feeling tired, I gave their proposed visit to the Dali exhibition a miss and took the bus home. Worked a bit on "Chitchat" and then went to JJ's with Carmen and Mireille for supper. Conversation flowed and as did our artistic juices. This creation was made from what was on the table (cherry tomatoes, tomato stalks, crisps, serviette, ice cream scoop). This is the female version; the male version included a cork (a blue one!) and halved cherry tomatoes! To think that there were two actual and one ex member of the Council involved in the enterprise. What would the Opposition make of this? Who cares? A good laugh after some serious discussion was just the right note to end the evening on.
29°, cloudy start, sun, cloudy night

5.7.17: International Socialising

Did even more domestic stuff today and the tank was changed. Thought I had a meeting with Philippe about the bagpipe project but he thought it was at apéro time before dinner and I thought it was apéro time before lunch!

In the evening there was a party at Dani and Brian’s and thankfully there was a good mix of French, Brits and with a sprinkling of Scandinavians. It was enjoyable meeting new people and sampling the buffet. Shame I had to forgo the cava.


29°, sun, cloudy start and cloudy night

4.7.17: Rapid Response
In order to miss the crowds Nicole P and I made an early start to go to La Jonquera to do a bit of shopping. We'd thought to see Mathilde but she was on a day off. Contented ourselves with a coffee and then another one in the village when we got back.
Called out the plumber before lunch as I don't have any hot water and lo and behold, he was here before 2pm! As if all the work I've been doing isn't enough, I now need a new hot water tank.
28°, cloudless blue skies

3.7.17: Not a lot going on
There was a power cut this morning for which we'd been given plenty of warning so, with no access to the computer, I continued the clean up in the cave.
In the afternoon I accompanied Nicole P to Perpignan for her mammogram and thankfully all was well. Tea at the bar and home to renew my acquaintance with the computer.
31°, sun

2.7.17: Halleluja!
Made an early start to clean the Nest before a well deserved coffee at the bar. A fair number of us this morning. I inherited some juicy plums from Hazel and some aubergines from Martine. JJ came by at one point and found himself surrounded, not that that bothered him.
Stayed on for lunch of rabbit with Martine and Nicole S. all in all a predictable Sunday morning.
Spent the afternoon trying to catch up with "Chitchat" and then in the evening went over to the "Maison pour Tous" for a gospel concert given by three folk from the village. it was good and not too long. Next followed a cup of not very good tea at the bar then home for another evening of tv.
26°, strong chilly wind

1.7.17: TV Time Travel
Jeremy, one of the window guys should have been here at 9am but didn't arrive until nearly 10h30 and by the look of the bags under his eyes, he'd had a really late night. Anyway, I didn't have time to sympathise as I'd already put back my meeting with Nicole S to go to the market. Met loads of people, didn't buy the dress that I fancied as Nicole thought it wasn't the right colour for me and had a drink under the shade of the plane trees. Did some cleaning after Jeremy left and had a quiet night in with a braw laddie called James Fraser. Before you get any ideas, I should add that he's the hero in "Outlander", a time slip drama which moves between  Oxford in 1945 and the Scottish Highlands in 1743. Another bloody tale that is taking over my tv time.
24°, sunny

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