Saturday 29 July 2017

Dancing Queen

The last bit of work on the windows was done this morning and the boss was at the house to do the last bit of paperwork and collect the cheque even before his worker had arrived!
Jill and I went off to the market and started with a coffee with Henri and his son-in-law. We toddled around, chatted to folk here and there, went and had a look at the brunch possibility which looks promising as can be seen from the photo. Finished with another drink; this time at the Grand Café. Took the bus back and had a a quiet afternoon behind closed shutters as it was too hot to go out.
This evening we wandered down to the recreation ground to dance the night away. Yaneth, Nancy, Lisa, Jill and I were joined on the dance floor by a young woman; blonde, tall, slim, dressed all in black wearing the most amazing boots with enormous sprung wedges. Never seen anything like them. I'm sure she is a model!! What a great mover; I can't imagine why she'd join such a motley crew as us. Once our legs started to give out, Jill and I went back to the bar for a last cuppa.
30°, sun

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