Thursday 13 July 2017

A Taste of Luxury

There weren't many of us at the language exchange this morning. Too hot? Of course, we diehards went to the bar afterwards.
This afternoon, I worked on the blog. Yes, I am getting there.
This evening Gilbert and Suzanne had invited a few of us from the Spanish class (Bruno, his wife and me) for "apéritifs" in honour of our "Prof" Paul. well, it was certainly more than an apéritif; there were two enormous trays of seafood accompanied by melon and ham, cheese, fruit and desserts, champagne and wine. Bruno has a business buying and selling classic cars and he came in a magnificent specimen. An American Zimmer from the 1980's. Forget a two wheeled contraption with a basket on the front much driven by elderly women and think Hollywood. Christian would have been drooling and I have to say, I wouldn't have said "no", if I'd been offered a lift.
29°, sun, cloud with a slight breeze later

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