Friday 28 July 2017

How Many sisters Does It tTake to Change a Light Bulb?

With 32° (90°, if you're still in Fahrenheit) forecast, we chickened out of going to Perpignan; much too hot. Instead we put a blind up, cogitated about my computer desk problem (won't bore you with details) and changed a light bulb which being halfway up the stairs and only just within arm's reach needed one to unscrew and one to make sure the other didn't fall down the stairs.
It's not all work when you come to me on holiday though; we went for a walk up to the cemetery where Christian's ashes were scattered, to show Jill the stone otter which is there in memory of him. The cicadas were chirping away, the wind was blowing through the cork trees and the otter was still there and smiling at us!
of course, we couldn't pass the bar on our way back home where we found Nancy, Jacques and Lisa.
Lunch at home, a bit of work on the blog and at the end of the afternoon, a walk along by the river.
This evening, 15 of us met at the other bar for a meal. Not as riotous as the last time but all seemed to enjoy it and said, "we should do other things". Kathy was up for a tutored wine tasting and said she'd investigate possibilities. At last, someone ready to do some organising! Sunday Brunch in Céret was also suggested but I'm not sure that the person concerned will do anything about it. Watch this space!
Several of us left the bar and went on to the other one where there was music. Good atmosphere, lots of people and therefore, lots of kisses. No complaints there, then.
32°, sun, light wind

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