Sunday 31 January 2016

Music Maestro, Please

Coffee at the bar and this time the other Nicole joined us as did Annie. Then we stayed on for a steak.
Later in the afternoon I went with Philippe and the two Genevives to a concert given by 6 musicians (4 violins, 2 cellos) from the "Ochestre de la Catalogne". On the programme was Beethoven's 6th, the Pastoral. The lead musician, Vincent Pouchet, who is a lead soloist with the Toulouse Orchestra,  just held the audience in the palm of his hand as he described the musical imagery of each movement.
We were almost at the end of the 3rd movement when all the lights went. Apparently the local hunters had somehow managed to plunge the whole area into darkness. People appeared with their portable phones to light the scores and the 4th movement was played without fault! The lights came back on and there was an encore and after that Vincent played a solo in complete darkness as he felt it would add a little something extra!
Came home, lighter of spirit for a bowl of soup and an evening of tv.
15°, cloudy

A Chilling Experience

A rendez-vous with Nicole at 8.05 meant an early, chilly start to get to the coach that was to take 50 of us on a day trip organised by a local library to the Riversaltes Memorial Centre. The camp served to house refugees fleeing Franco, "undesirables" as designated by the Nazis, collaboraters and black marketeers and finally Harki families, Algerians who had fought alongside the French during the war for idependance. It was a desolate place to call "home".
The centre, inaugurated only a couple of months ago is below ground and preserves the respect due to those who were interned here. It was a draining experience but one that provides an important reminder.
Thérèse and Joan were also on the trip and we all ate together (at a great rate of knotts) in a Tex Mex restaurant before going on to the "Maternité Suisse" that had been set up to cater for the mothers from Riversaltes  between 1939 and 1944.
It was good to go from a dehumanising setting to one where humanity was in abundance.
Finally made it back to town for just afer 5pm so Nicole and I wound down over a cuppa in one of the cafés. Another night in was most welcome.
16°, sunshine

Friday 29 January 2016

New Arrivals

I had the first take up of my offer to all new members to meet for a coffee and learn more about the association. Glad to sa that hey seem keen to get involved once they've found their feet, having only moved here from farther North just before Christmas.
Colin and Lynn also came in so I joined them afterwards. Philippe from the restaurant also arrived and invited the company to join him in wetting his first grand child's head.
Admin and paper flowers this afternoon and a quiet night in in front of the telly.
16°, sunny

Thursday 28 January 2016

Beating Stress

How quickly the language exchange comes around and there's mutiny in the ranks. Terry is avoiding being in the same group as one of the women. She's a pretty forceful character who usually has her own agenda but I have to say that I find her amusing. At least she shakes us all up. A drink at the bar followed and then it was home for a quick bite to eat before heading off for a carnival costume sort out. My kilt and plaid should arrive at the beginning of next week.
This evening I attended a presentation on Sophrology given by one of the Association's member who has a practice in the area.
There weren't a lot of us there; the French in backwaters like here are pretty sceptical about Complementary Health techniques. The presentation end with a relaxation session and with Christian looking down on us, I closed my eyes and went with it. Terry should try it!

Wednesday 27 January 2016

Fully Clothed Chefs

Went into town and met Françoise for coffee and then Rowena for lunch at Al Catala where I'd eaten last Friday. Came back to try and get to grips with my UK tax. What a head ache. Still, fun was just around the corner as James, my NZ artist friend had promised to give Jean-Jacques a cooking lesson from Jamie Oliver's 15 minute meals. Don came along as the sauce chef. There was enough  leek and potato gratin with serrano wraped chichen and avocado salad to feed an army but we weren't complaining even if it did take considerably longer than 15 minutes!
Talking of which, I see that Mary Berry was slated in the press for her soggy Beef Wellington that she did on her latest progrmme. I have French friends who prefer to call it Beef Napoleon but what's in a name? Soggy is the same where ever you are. Poor old Mary. Wonder what she's doing this week and who's lining up to usurp her crown? But I digress .......
14°, foggy start, sun then cloud

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Just Picture It!

What a lovely surprise! Two pairs of cashmere socks from Ann in Scotland to help keep my feet warm arrived in the post. One for daytime and one for bed. Schhh don't tell anyone, don't want to spoil the image but if it does, "tant pis" as the French say, my wee tootsies are snug and toasted.
Had a meeting at Geneviève's to talk about the "Creating an animated slide show"workshop that I'd talked her into doing for the association. A priviledge of setting it up is getting a place!  I wonder if I'll be able to insert one on the blog. Kindly she invited me to stay for lunch.
Then it was off to Spanish followed in the evening by dinner at Joan and Thérèse's. The get-together with Linde, Jean and Françoise, Jean and Marie was to watch the film of their wedding. Our "Becassine" (see 24th Sept) dance came out better than I had hoped and we didn't look too foolish.
By chance today was the best day for us all and it just happens to be their four month anniversary. They're still radiating happiness or was it the cava effect? And what about this dessert? Pretty splendid, isn't it? So, we won't talk about today's calorie count!
14°, foggy start, warm and sunn by 10am, cloud by 2pm

Monday 25 January 2016

Another Calorific Treat

Had a little lie-in and did some admin stuff.
In the afternoon, much to my surprise, I was invited to Irma's 87th birthday tea at the old folks' club. Another sign of acceptance which really pleased me. More galettes to eat with the large slice I ended up with being helped down by a wee glass of fizz.
A meeting about the carnaval and Spanish homework in the evening took me to bedtime and the great tome "When Christ and his Saints Slept", a historical novel set in 12th century England.   One heck of a lot of reading.
13°, same as yesterday

Sunday 24 January 2016

Be Happy, Eat Chocolate!

Sunday morning is coffee - at - the - bar morning. Once again, only one Nicole was there but we were joined by Anne and Françoise so weren't short of topics of conversation. Went home for lunch as I had a chocolate mocha cake to make for tea with Annie and Annette. Annette, like me is a chocolate addict and I had promised her one. There was also some Christmas cake but it remained uncut. The choc cake was squidgely delicious. I also lit the fire so it was all very cosy; just lacked the crumpets though on second thoughts there were enough calories as it was!
12°, low heavy cloud lifting later in the morning

Saturday 23 January 2016

Arise Sir Michel!

Went to the market this morning with Nicole. Well, what else was there to do on a Saturday? Met Hortense and had the usual shot in the arm of good humour. A light lunch at home in preparation for tea and galette at Michel's. Ann and Terry were there as was the Queen who knited Michel for his services to baking. Shame I couldn't linger too long as there was an AGM to attend. Had to leave there before the end too so couldn't stay for the apéritif as I had to get to neighbours Anna and Gérad for dinner. There I did stay until the end.

Friday 22 January 2016

Day Trip Close to Home

Went into town early to call into the lawyer's to try and chivvy things up. Apparently, they've been busy and nothing's been done! Even had time for a coffee before the rendez-vous at the Museum of Musical Instruments for a day out organised with the association.  Françoise, she of the French conversation group, was the guide and in her element. The museum was a lot more interesting than I'd expected and one of the group is a flautist so she was able to fill in the technical details which led to a couple of tense moments as competition mounted.
Twenty of us had lunch together but with another group of 30+ elderly (ie hard of hearing) folk so conversation was difficult. The restaurant, as usual came up with the goods
The afternoon there was a walk through the old town and a visit to the church. Then home for a quiet night in.
11°, cloudy

Thursday 21 January 2016

Word Play

An interesting language exchange during which we discussed the origin and different meanings of the word "brace". It was fun racking our brains and making links between the French and English
Had a drink in the bar but went home for lunch before going once again to make flowers. However, we finished early as we'd run out of paper. Went in the evening to the council meeting where the opposition were out in force among the spectators. There wasn't any heckling just the odd snide comment.and then at the end I went back with Jean-Jacques to his place for supper with his sister. A pleasant relaxed affair.
13°, blue skies and a little cloud

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Oh dear what can the matter be?

Having read until very, very late, it was difficult to get out of bed but needs must as there was the French conversation workshop to go to. Most exciting part was us leaving Hanele locked in the loo! Fortunately she had Françoise's number so we were able to rescue her.
Made paper flowers in the afernoon and in the evening was just warming up my soup when Robin came round to invite me to supper with Diana and Martine. I just love impromptu invites especially those which bring good company, tasty food and of course, cava.
13°, sun and later cloud.

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Bon Provecho!

Started the day with a trip to the recycling with Maggie. Slowly but surely though goodness knows if I'll ever get rid of all the unnecessary stuff in the house. Revived ourselves afterwards with a coffee at the nearby bakery which is a recycled service station. They're springing up all over the place here as the supermarkets become the main petrol suppliers. Don't have any recollection if it's the same in UK.
A good job done, there was just enough time to get ready to join the others from the Spanish workshops on a lunch out over the border at "El Jou Vell" which serves a good buffet meal starting with an apéritif and canapés.
Lots of choice and thankfully the clientelle is not one that piles it's plates greedily high.
4° in morning rising to 11°. Cold but sunny

Monday 18 January 2016

Melting the Plastic

The long promised day out with Pauline and Penny dawned chilly and cloudy but did that matter? Of course not for us veteran shoppers and droppers.
Started off at the big outlet centre in la Jonquera parking in the underground park that has green and red lights over each space to indicate if it's vacant or not. No more forlornly driving around and finally spying a place only to find that there's a short car tucked away there. Then when you come back and have forgotten the number of your  parking spot, you can key in your registration number and up pops the answer! We trailed around but if I'm honest, it's not my favourite shopping experience. The long coffee stop on comfortable sofas was much more to my liking.
Having whiled away the morning we set off for a leisurely lunch at Pa Volador just the other side of Figueres and lo and behold, Dominique the village hairdressers was there. No escape, eh? Stiil there was a great menu in characterful surroundings with good service; all for 16€ including wine. What could be better?
Hit the shops as it started to drizzle and finally arrived home with two skirts and two pairs of trousers just before 9pm. Sad to say, there were a handful of our usual shops that were no longer there. Times aren't getting any better it would seem.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Ordinary Day, Extraordinary Sunset

Coffee and an apéritif at the bar with Nicole. Don't know what happened to the other one. Spent the rest of the day at home planting the pansies and primulas that I bought in Figueres and working on the computer. The day wasn't anything different but what about this sunset though the photo nowhere near captures the reality. Something special though, don't you think?
12° sunshine

Saturday 16 January 2016

Boys' Own!

The trip to the market this morning was a brief as the wind was an icy one. It was so strange to see the terraces of the cafés desserted.
Attended an AGM this afternoon and ate yet another slice of galette. Shouldn't have done really as I was invited to Dani and Brian's for a curry supper. We ate well, admired Brian's model railway and thankfully there was a bottle to help wash down the discussion which included cricket and football.
8° blue skies, cold, strong wind

Friday 15 January 2016

My Favourite Frenchman

Feeling bitterly cold in the strong wind kept me close to home this morning but I had to venture out in the afternoon to go flower making. We made 750 this afternoon and every week the number needed seems to go up. I've heard both 8,000 and 10,000 mentioned! Our work was enlivened by lots of chat, tea  and galettes. For a change they were apple filled, making them lighter than the frangipane ones.
This evening's vernissage was a great success. My three line whip paid off resulting in a great attendance. James who paints with a palette knife did a demonstration and there was a real buzz of animated chatter. He sold well, too. Can't tell you how delighted I was to see Christian's portrait on view in the room named for him and hear James call him "my favourite Frenchman" which is the title of the painting. He's mine too!
Being on a high, the evening couldn't end there; some of us headed over to the bar for something to eat (couldn't resist the tartiflette) and as a bonus were entertained on the guitare by Kevin.
10°, Cold and sunny

Thursday 14 January 2016

Wine, Women and Woes

Language exchange as usual this morning, followed as usual by a glass of rosé in the bar. Didn't stay for soup and cheese though as I had food in the fridge and the Association web site to catch up with.
This evening we had another meeting of the women's group and needless to say the chat was aided by a galette and a choice of cider or pina colada. Fewer than usual which wasn't a surprise as there was a wee knot of women who didn't seem very interested the last time and sad to say, I don't think they'll actually be missed. I'm also disappointed that two other women have pre-existing issues with a couple of members so one doesn't want to join and the other "couldn't" make it this week. Was this really a good idea?
One of the Nicole's went home and the other joined me at the bar for a hot chocolate to keep night chill out.
14°, blue skies but feeling chilly in the wind

Wednesday 13 January 2016

Ever Present Christian

Yesterday I was on the receiving end of a good deed; today it was my turn to do one and have an excuse not to go to the French conversation workshop. Spent the morning helping James hang his paintings in Christian's room ready for Friday's vernissage. My reward apart from the pleasure of a job well done, for we were indeed pleased with our efforts, was lunch at the Molas restaurant.
Did a stint making paper flowers this afternoon and then in the evening, I joined a host of other villagers in the Foyer Municipal to hear the traditional "Vœux du Maire" which started with André mentioning that Christian's death was a loss to the village then gave a round up of what had been done in 2015 and what is planned for 2016. After no more than an hour of speeches we were let loose on the apéritifs and of course, galettes!
14°, sun and blue skies

Tuesday 12 January 2016

A Pleasant Interlude in the Sun

Spent the morning a little farther afield as Michel whisked me off to the market in Figueres. It was lovely strolling around in the warm sunshine; just like being on holday in fact. Michel is the wee guy, in case you're wondering!
Bought some plants for my window boxes, free range eggs at 2€ /dozen; a real bargain. It was a temptation to stock up on fruit and veg at a fraction of the price I'd pay here but needing to adjust to buying for just one, I resisted.
All this excitement was topped off with a hot chocolate sitting out in the sun
Spanish group in the afternoon and then home to write New Year cards. Previously I would do the Christmas cards for the UK and Christian would follow the French tradition and present our "Meilleurs Vœux" to family and friends here. Ah yes, yet another reminder of the changes to be lived with.
This evening was our first apérobio of 2016 with all four of us present to sample the delights of Nico's latest array of tapas. He's going from strength to strength and log may it continue, says I!
15° blue skies in Figueres, little light cloud in the village getting heavier later

14° cloudy and drizzly

Sunday 10 January 2016

Quiet Weekend

The usual Sunday ritual of coffee with Nicole and Nicole and a couple of others. Lunch was a change from the usual steak/frites; we went instead for "tartiflette", better known  as cheese, lardons and potato gratin .  Washed down with a glass of red wine.
And was it scrummy.  .... mmmmm!
14°, sunshine and showers

A quick coffee and then it was off to the market with Michel going our seperate ways once there. Met up with Nicole for another coffee, chat then a quick whizz around a much diminished market.
In the afternoon, the other Nicole came by for a cuppa and to help me order some visiting cards. Not as pompous as it sounds, most people are armed with them here. Have to say that it is a nicer idea than scraps of paper.
15°, sunshine and cloud

Friday 8 January 2016

How the Mighty are Fallen!

Forgotten was  yesterday's claim to grandeur as today started behind a broom, mop and bucket! Well, someone had to clean up after last night's bun fight. Coffee at the bar, supermarket with Michel who then came back with me for a quick lunch. This afternoon I joined the paper flower making team in their effort to make 4,000 of them to decorate this year's carnival float.Seems like no time at all since I was last doing the same thing. There was another galette to sweeten the task but I'm relieved to say that it wasn't made with frangipane but was brioche style.
15° cloudy
Research shows that there are credible links between alcohol consumption and various cancers, notably breast cancer. The advice is cut down. Oh dear!

Queen Bee

Today was devoted to the Association, starting at 9am with a committee meeting. Then there was the Language Exchange. Soup and cheese followed at the bar. Admin in the afternoon before going to help set up for the "Vœux de la Présidente". If you've been following "Chitchat" for a while and you've been paying attention, you'll know that it involves a speech from the boss lady, cider and galettes. So the second in two days and to my dismay, someone said that there were 500 calories in a slice! Enough said about that the better. The upside was that I found the charm in my piece and became "queen".
Came home and had a first video call to my "Little Sis". Sound wasn't that great but it was lovely to see her even if it was virtual. Have to say, finding the way through the process was a wee bit complicated for a non-savvy social media user. Someone, please, tell me it will get easier with practice.
It was said o be 17° but it was humid and didn't feel like it.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Listen Up There!

Had a good sleep and a lovely hot shower so was a little late arriving for the French conversation group. Françoise was in the process of organising the traditional "Galette des Rois" (Frangipane flaky pastry tart) traditional at this time of year. As you all know there's such thing as a free whatever; Françoise hardly paused for breath while "educating us about the history of religion in France and when she did our two Belgian members were in like a shot!
Lunch time, James, my Kiwi artist friend took me for a pizza after we'd collected some of his paintings that had been on show in a winery (as he'd say) in Trouillas. While in town I went with him to help pay a cheque into his local bank and I went to mine to try and sort out my new cheque book. Not sure if I mentioned that I was sent one to replace the one that had been in both our names by one in just Christian's. You can only despair!
Rest of the day was spent sorting out a room for the English conversation group that were facing a last minute eviction for this evening then calmly catching up with phone calls and admin stuff. And after all those calories there was no Xmas cake with my cuppa nor my usual rummage in the fridge supper.
11° sunshine and cloud

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Tradesmen and Musicians

The electrician arrived as promised and found that the problem was with the water heater which was leaking so, I needed a plumber. Much to my surprise, one arrived about 10 minutes after the electrician had gone having been called out by him. That's what I call service. A charming young man who had to go into Perpignan to get the necessary piece but by the end of the afternoon the element had dried out and the new flange fitted. There was a possibility that the damp that was still lingering might cause the system to trip but I left all and went to the "Soirée Guitares" at the bar trusting to luck. Glad I did; there was a great ambiance and I caught up with Jean-Jacques. There were new people to meet too; Australian friends of Ann and Terry and a women from another village who was interested in learning English with the association. Just look at the photo of Kevin playing blues/rock. How many bluesmen do you know who wear specs on the end of their nose? Anyway, he brought the house down.
As for the electricity, there was no need for
the torch that I'd left inside the front door. Result! I'm on the up.
12° Rain for most of the day

Monday 4 January 2016

Cold Comfort

Needless to say, my first job was to find an electrician. I only have to wait until tomorrow for someone to come to the rescue.
It's really starting to feel cold in the house so with an evening in and plenty of logs ready to, I lit the fire. As I took the decorations down I even decided to flick a duster around and spray a bit of polish in an effort to cheer the place up.
It was a good job that I did as Terry and Ann called in for a cuppa and a piece of Christmas cake. Well, I can't eat it all myself; not that it would be much of a sacrifice as it's pretty moreish. It's all that booze that the fruit soaks  in for a week. Delia has come up trumps yet again!
14°, chilly, light rain showers in the afternoon

As the off peak had finished by the time I got up, I reset the trip switch and was back in business. Being Sunday, I went for coffee and met up with the two Nicole's. Stayed on for steak and chips and came home to make the most of functioning electricity. Another early night with a book and a torch; not since I was a teenager. What an image it conjures up!
Sunny spells in the morning

It was a chilly morning to make such an early start but the bus waits for no one. Still it got me all the way down to the market where I met up with Maggie to go for a coffee where by chance we met up with Hotense, Bridget and Liz. There weren't many traders at the market so it didn't take us long to get around even though we stopped to buy sweaters. Mine, a rather fetching  loose knitted cowl neck tunic has been a great success!
Arrived home to find that there wasn't any electricity - a good start to the new year, eh. My neighbour, came in and showed me how to put the trip switch back and lo and behold, there was light. Well, that is until 10pm when the off-peak kicked in to fire up the water and storage heaters and  I was plunged into darkness! Managed with a torch and retreated to bed.
Chilly and cloudy

Friday 1 January 2016

A Chilly Day but the Company and Food were Good

New Year's day dawned misty and chilly. I started it with cold feet and they didn't warm up until I was in bed tonight.
Laure took the wheel to take us to St Quirze over the border which Rowena didn't know. Before that, however, we'd hoped to find somewhere for a coffee but didn't. Our search also found us in a bit of a pickle as rather than go back to the main road, Laure took the very narrow streets of the village. The photo shows our predicament. After trying to negotiate the corner and getting stuck, help was at hand from a gallant young (well younger than us) Catalan bloke who got behind the wheel and did the necessary. Ah well, can't win 'em all.
The monestery at St Quirze was shrouded in mist and with the wind it felt really chilly. Surprisingly, there were a number of families strolling around.
From here we bumped our way up and over the Coll de Banyuls and on going down the other side we found sunshine and a restaurant still open at 2pm, ready to take us for lunch. The people were really charming and there were scallops on the menu which I treated myself to.
We managed back to Rowena's before it was dark; drew the curtains, made a pot of tea before the telly and a G and T later on. Another early night in readiness for an early start tomorrow.
10°, misty with sun later

Happy New Year to One and All!

Smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering 'it will be happier'...”