Friday 30 June 2017

Sweet Temptations

Heavens! We've arrived at the last day in June. The longest day is past and we're halfway through the year.
Had coffee with Nicole P this morning, joined later by Jacques who came wandering by.
Michel had invited me for lunch but I decided to go just for the dessert;
a) because I was invited for dinner in the evening and didn't want to overdo it.
b) he had inherited the leftover tiramisu that Marie-Madeleine had made for the dinner at Jacques the other day and that was too good to pass up.
In France, it's not unusual to be invited to friends' for dessert or coffee after lunch or dinner. I've never done it myself; don't know why as I love not having to be hidebound by convention.
Going home passed the bar, I found that Nicole P was having an after lunch coffee so of course I joined her.
In the evening Nick, Lizzie and I were invited to Jackie's. We'd agreed that we get there on the dot of 19h as the last time she took forever to serve dinner. Forlorn hope; we finally got to the table for our
salmon lasagne at 21h. Arrived home at nearly midnight and goodness had we worked hard to parry Jackie's often negative and far from sparkling conversation. Sorry, I shouldn't be so unkind, especially as life has dealt her a couple of hard blows and she did serve a scrummy chocolate dessert. Now, who can I invite along with her so that we have a fun filled evening? Answers on a postcard, please ....
23°, heavy rain at the end of the afternoon

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