Friday 2 June 2017

A Full On Day

2.6.17: Bells, Bagpipes and Copper Pots
Heavens, it was an early start after a short night. Rendezvous at 7h45 and on the bus ready to leave at 8h. Some of our hosts were with us for the visit in the morning to Villedieu les Poêles where we first visited a bell foundry of international renown. Bells have been made here since the Middle Ages, though today's foundry only dates from the 19th century. About 100 bells of all sizes are made to order every year, including the new bell for Notre Dame de Paris in 2013. There were several bells in the courtyard and the sound when they were struck could make the hair on your arms stand on end. Oh, how I wish we could change the tinny one we have in the village for something with some resonance.
After that we chugged up the hill to a copper workshop, in existence since the 18th century, where we saw a film, admired but couldn't afford the pots, pans, bath and other items, all along being entertained and informed by the guide. Quite a character to say the least who held his audience in the palm of his hand. Then it was back down the hill again through this rather prosperous looking and well kept town.
All this listening and walking makes a body hungry so the thought of lunch at the "Fruitier" restaurant was a welcome one. What's more, I can tell you that while the hotel didn't look out of the ordinary from the outside, the private room where we dined brought more that a few sharp intakes of breath. Stylish to say the least.
Journeying along the coast to Granville, a smart coastal resort where we spent the afternoon, we could make out Mont St Michel in the distance through the haze.
Mme the General, ie, Françoise, and I wandered through the town, bought postcards, drank tea and remembered that Christian Dior was born here in 1905, rather than scamper around in the heat (yes, Normandy was warm and sunny), looking at historical monuments.
Once back in Bretteville, a surprise awaited us as we descended from the bus ..... a piper playing "Scotland the Brave" was there to greet us! Goes without saying, I just loved it.
There was just enough time for a much needed cuppa chez Agnes before going to one of the town's halls for dinner with our hosts.
Warm and Sunny

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