Thursday 29 June 2017

Chosing between Culture and Food

Did nothing during the day other than potter and then  wouldn't you know, I had two invitations for the evening. One from Nany for a soirée at her house to celebrate her birthday and another from Michel to go to a vernissage in the Château Royal in Collioure. Michel had asked me first so culture it was!
Despite being sponsored by the Region and in a prestigious historic monument there was a turnout of only about 25of us. Which was a shame as the sculptures, made from driftwood, were superb. This You Tube video shows all
One nice touch was that standing next to us was an artist from who Michel was convinced that Christian and I had  bought a painting but he couldn't remember his name. He was right and we spent most of the vernissage in conversation with René Diaz. We were even invited to a vernissage of his in August; maybe we'll go but I did stop short of giving my phone number when he asked for it!
23°, cloud, rain storms

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