Thursday 22 June 2017

Looking after Mind, Body and Soul

22.6.17: Life's Trivia
The language exchange was more trying than usual; it was too hot to think. Went afterwards to the bar, so nothing new there. worked on the blog in the afternoon before wandering around to Gilbert and Suzanne's to pick up the Spanish books that Paul had used for the workshops. I know, I know; you neither need or want to know such trivial details but this blog also serves as an "aide memoire" for me so I can remember what I've been up to and why. I'd be obliged therefore, if you'd make allowances and bear with me! Muchas gracias!
31°, blue skies, rumbles of thunder 

21.6.17: Mostly in Good Voice
Took advantage of Colin and Lynn's regular trip to Perpignan to go with them to look at computer desks and deep freezes. The top of my desk is pretty tatty and the freezer is way too big. Came back without buying anything other than coffee for the three of us. If you've bought a desk recently, you may have noticed that there's very rarely either a pull-out leaf for a keyboard or a space to house a tower. Desktop computers are apparently on their way out.
Home for lunch, tea with Nicole P and got back on track with the website.
This evening I put in an appearance at the Fête de la Musique in the square mainly because I wanted to listen to Terry and Roger croaking out "I was born under a Wandering Star". They were joined by a couple of musicians and a women's backing group, which I had flatly refused to join, in a rendition of  "With a little help from My Friends". Terry assured me that they were very much more in tune during rehearsals but if they'd been better on the night, we all wouldn't have laughed so much.
I imagine that the other acts were a lot better but I didn't stay around to listen.

20.6.17: Pampering my old Bones
This morning, I made an earlyish start to get to my appointment with the osteopath on the bus. There's no problem, just an annual bit of maintenance.
I should have been at the Spanish lunch but as the date had changed several times, I had already booked something else in the meantime. Gilles and Martine had asked me to take them to buy cava and to have lunch. Took them to La Plaça in Garriguella which you'll know by now, is a favourite of mine. The food, was good as usual but there was a big party in and the service was not. As the party was out by the pool, we ate inside the restaurant where we suffered a bit from the heat. I was disappointed that it wasn't all exactly just right; after all, I've a reputation as an ace restaurant-finder to live up to!
In the evening there was our last apérobio of the season with Nicolas's special tapas, as he'll be far too busy cooking for hordes of hungry tourists.
28°, slight breeze

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