Tuesday 6 June 2017

Being Neighbourly

6.6.17: Honesty is the Best Policy
Sauveur came to fix the problem with the kitchen light that I had just before leaving for Normandy. While he was hard at work, I went for a coffee with Nicole P at the café. No need to worry about shopping to fill my empty fridge as I was invited to Monsieur and Madame le General for lunch with Barbara who was leaving that afternoon to fly back to UK.
Made a chocolate mars bar cake with stem ginger in the afternoon to take to our neighbourhood get-together. It was very rich and I couldn't resist just a tiny piece to make sure that it was fit to serve.
There were a couple of new faces around the table which added to the pleasure of the evening. Jeanne and Daniel, Americans living in Hawaii, were staying in a holiday home overlooking the wee square and responded to the invitation to join us without hesitation. As you can see, Jeanne was quite a "hit"!
Sloped off a bit early to resubmit my tax return as I'd thought of a more accurate way to calculate my UK revenue but to my disappointment, it gave me more income to declare than before. Couldn't in all conscience let sleeping dogs lie, so pushed the send button just before the midnight deadline.
Sun with a cool wind

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