Friday 9 June 2017

French National Sport and North African Food

9.6.17: An Exotic Doggy Bag
Once a month recently, the Association has organised a boules "tournament" so true to form, Gilles organised a morning down at the recreation ground. true to form I didn't play contenting myself to take some photos that look much the same as all the other months' photos and to help set up the apéritifs. Mimi and Eric served up a home cooked couscous to 25 of us which true to form was delicious. Mimi, kind person that she is, made quinoa especially for me to keep the meal gluten free. I even got the remainder with some left over sauce and veg to take home for another day. Of course, I had to give the Moroccan pastries a miss but as they're full of honey, that was absolutely no hardship. I didn't say "no" to the mint tea that was on offer though.
Blog again in the afternoon.
23°, low cloud, drizzle, sun later

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