Wednesday 14 June 2017

Best Laid Plans and All That

14.6.17: Needing to Rest Zen
We took the bus into Céret to have a coffee and a walk around and I thought that we were coming back at 11h so that we could have lunch at the restaurant. Yves thought otherwise, he manoeuvered us to one of the bars where a bruschetta at 9€ was the main item on the menu and said that we would come back on the 13h bus. The fact that I'm gluten free didn't seem to bother him even though he'd been party to previous discussions and Janine pointed it out! I smiled, just ate the topping and put it down to him being a bit of  a self centred old "pain in the .........."! I can just hear the expression that Christian would use but am far too polite to do likewise.
Another siesta and rubbish daytime telly that Yves seems to enjoy. Of course, we went over to see Christian's room, of which Janine was obviously very proud (as am I, if that needs saying). Here she is wearing the dress that she bought this morning.
Yves didn't want to go to the bar either for an apéritif or for a coffee after dinner; he preferred more tv and an early night.
32° hot and sunny

13.6.17: Resting Zen
I had thought to have a couple of days without any obligations what so ever but as we all know, all can change with a phone call. Janine, Christian's cousin from Normandy telephoned that she and her live-out partner, Yves were just an hour away from the village. It had been on the cards that they would call at some point but I'd asked for at least a day's notice so that I could do some food shopping. Fortunately, as they have a camping car all they had to do was put it on the site in the village and I didn't have to get in a tizz about preparing a bedroom. I had thought to buy them lunch in the bar but when we finally got together, Janine said she was paying for dinner and they were happy with a salad lunch. A bit of imagination and a trip to the village supermarket sorted that, so no need to panic. Tomorrow apparently Yves is going to treat us. And there was me thinking that they were only staying one day.
It was too hot to move in the afternoon so I closed the shutters after lunch and while Yves snoozed, Janine and I chatted and looked at some photos.
Though not a riotous evening and I had to cancel dinner at Jean and Françoise's, it was pleasant sitting out at the bar by the fountain.
34°, hot and sunny

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