Monday 19 June 2017


19.6.17: Hot and Bothered
A bit of a later start; oh what bliss!
Coffee with Nicole P at the café where we were later joined by Gilles. Took Paul's present around to Gilbert and Suzanne's for them to give him tomorrow and found that they too, were suffering from the heat. To add insult to injury, I couldn't get the association website to work. Grrrh!
31° even though it was hot and sunny, here, along with Brittany was the coolest place in France!

18.6.17: Olé! Olé!
What a good sleep I had last night, not waking until after 8h this morning. Coffee as usual at the bar but didn't stay for lunch. There were lots more people out and about today as the village square acts as a thoroughfare to the polling station at the Mairie. The French were voting in the second round of the election of their Députés (MPs). Emanuel Macron heading up "En Marche", a party of just a year, won with a large majority. The National Front did less well than they'd expected; the socialists were all but wiped out. What a pleasure to see the FN take a hit. It wasn't all celebrations though, as Macron was mainly seen as the lesser of two evils which was borne out by the high abstention rate.
In the evening Françoise and I went to watch a local "seveillanes" group give their end of year show. Joséphine was dancing; it was good to see her and we made yet more resolutions to catch up once she was back from Paris. Had a drink in Céret afterwards; squeezed lemon juice, well diluted for me. Helle, a Norwegian of whom I've already spoken, stopped on her way by and it was good to see her in good spirits after her recent "scare". Jean came back to the village with us and we had another refreshment at the bar where Michel and JJ joined us after their stint at the count.
31°, sunny

17.6.17: Being a Healthy (on the whole), Wealthy (maybe not) and Wise (sometimes) Bunny
Went there and back to the market on the bus. Fulfilled my mission to buy the Spanish groups' present for Paul who is giving up and helped put things back in store after last night; stopped off at the bar for a cupppa on my way home. Otherwise, not a lot else so found my way to bed a little earlier than usual. Should try and get into the habit, shouldn't I? afterall, you know what they say ......
34°, hot and sunny

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