Monday 12 June 2017

Deft Dancers and Great Danes

12.6.17: Scandi Games
An out of sequence committee meeting this morning in order for us to get organised for our annual "Danish Games" and Friday night's tapas evening. It all seemed to involve me in a lot of toing and froing in the heat of the day. Called into the bar for a coffee on the way home and met up with Lynn and Ann. Marie-Louise joined us and as my Mum would say, she's someone who can "talk the hind leg off a donkey" and golly did she live up to her reputation. It was exhausting and my compatriots, who don't speak French, left me to it! Not that I needed to say anything; a nod, a smile and a few huh, huhs were all that was necessary.
The games in the evening were explained and refereed by Lone and Jesper who also supplied several varieties of Danish beer at full time. There were about 30 of us to play "Kubbs" which is kind of like skittles. Well, 29 played and I took photos.
Went for a cup of tea at the bar to wind down with Nicole P after clearing up. Finally went to bed about 12h30 and it was still 26°/78.8°F!
In the 30's, hot and sunny

11.6.17: Didn't She Do Well?
The usual Sunday routine: coffee, then an omelette lunch with Nicole S and Patricia. A short rest followed which was followed by a dance gala featuring participants from the age of 2 to 67 years of age. The hall was filled to bursting and the audience very appreciative; not only because they were family and friends but also because it was genuinely good. Imaginative routines and incredibly supple and fluid movement. Nicole P and I had been invited to the show by Gérard and Evelyn. Evelyn was the 67 year old and it was her first ever year of dance. Have to say that it was extraordinary that someone who always seems so reserved and serious should take to corporal expression so easily.
By way of  recompense, we went to a local auberge for dinner. It's ages since I'd been there and I have to say that it hadn't changed enough to make me want to hurry back.
30°, sun

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