Thursday 15 June 2017

That's More Like it!

15.6.17: Women who Lunch
Even though we'd said "goodbye" last night, Yves and Janine arrived at the door at 9am, just as I was on my way over to the café. Apparently, they'd been waiting there since 8h30 to see me. Anyway, whatever their rationale was, we went there together and they sat for a while before we said our second goodbyes.
I went up to the language exchange as usual but left early to meet Anne and Nicole P for a trip to La Jonquera. First we winkled out Mathilde from the shop where she's manageress, to come and have a coffee with us. We lingered longer after she had to go back, talking about Nicole's forthcoming interview for a part-time job.
From here, it was just a short drive up the hill to Can Nadal where Anne had reserved a table. Good job that she did too as it's a sure bet and often busy. Unlike the last time I was here (with Jacques and Nicole P) my companions found no fault with either the place or the food.
33°, su, rumble of thunder at the end of the afternoon

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