Wednesday 28 June 2017

Sharing Food and Sharing the House

28.6.17: Let the Work Commence
The workers actually turned up on the day they said they would at the time they said they would. If you don't live here, you won't know the significance of this. Once they were hard at work, I nipped out to the café to meet Nicole P and then decamped to the nest where I watched lots of downloads as the internet was off with all the storms that we were having.
In the evening I was invited to an English workshop, end of term soirée. Everyone had taken something to put on the table to share and Ken and Margaret had provided something to drink. Once again, there was no need to scratch around in the fridge. Oh, what bliss. No cooking, no washing up!
24°, thunder, lightening, sun, cloud, hail, heavy rain.

27.6.17: Two Meals , Two Nicoles, Two Desserts
The workers are coming to replace the windows tomorrow, so taking down the curtains and washing them as a priority. It wasn't all chores however, as Nicole S and I went to the market in Figueres. Had a pleasant lunch at a restaurant that we'd spotted on a previous visit and found it much to our liking. And for once, Nicole was happy with what she had on her plate!
In the evening, the other Nicole and I were invited to Michel and Anne-Marie's for dinner. Managed  to pass on the champagne but not on the dessert; my second today.
31°, short, heavy rain storm in the evening

26.6.17: Barriga llena, corazón contento (Full Stomach, Happy Heart)
Just by chance, Yasmin had to go for a blood test as did I so we made an early start on an empty stomach to get the business done. Had a pleasant surprise to find Jean, Françoise and their wee granddaughter at the café thus giving us the chance to catch up on all our news. Once fortified, we tackled the supermarket.
Back home, I found time to finish the "Vikings" box set that I've been racing through, attended a meeting about a pipe band tour and more or less got the cave back to normal. It's a long time since I've been so productive.
This evening Jacques prepared a Mexican meal at his place for some of us who'd been to Scotland. There were 5 Scots, two French, a German and a Brit, plenty to eat and tequila in abundance.
31°, sun, cloud, showers, thunder

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