Saturday 10 June 2017

Music for Free

10.6.17: In and Out of my Comfort Zone
Our village baker makes maize flour and rice flour bread, both of which are more than acceptable. What a treat to have it rather than the "gluten free" stuff that's a bit like cardboard.
The bar was celebrating its 19th anniversary and the theme was masks. I donned the rather stylish one I'd bought for one of the Association's tapas themed evenings and toddled over and bought myself a tonic water. A pot of tea would have looked pretty ridiculous, wouldn't it?
The village banda was blasting out its repertoire making it difficult to chat and hardly anyone was wearing a mask even if they had one. For the first time since Christian's not been around, I felt somewhat adrift. None of my usual pals were around and while I could have attached myself to other people who were there, I didn't want to butt in. In any case, as I had no intention to eat there and was incredibly hot, I beat a retreat to the sanctuary of home.
Did some more catching up with the blog in the afternoon which took my mind off things and then in the evening went to a free brass band concert in the village hall. This was an altogether different experience as I felt comfortable to go on my own and found that other people attached themselves to me! What a difference a few hours makes.
30°, blue skies and sun

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