Sunday 4 June 2017

Sunday and a Day of Relative Rest

4.6.17: A More Leisurely Pace
Oh, what joy! No need to timetable our getting up. Today was a "free" day. I took of advantage of the time to go and visit François, who Christian had worked with and Josette, his wife who used to teach English Ryes, a village of 485 inhabitants about 20 minutes away. It was good to catch up with them as I hadn't seen them since Christian's 70th birthday party in Normandy which was over 3 years ago.
We had a leisurely lunch of scallops (Josette remembered that I really like them) and fish both coming straight from the quay in Courceulles.
André and Nany went to Bayeux to see the tapestry while Agnes visited family who by coincidence also live in Ryes.
In the evening, there was the "official" dinner which was a more elaborate affair with speeches, a demonstration of folk dancing and a disco.
Warm and sunny

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