Wednesday 7 June 2017

Money and Mundanity

8.6.17: A Routine Thursday
Language exchange, a cuppa at the bar afterwards and a late lunch at home. Spent the afternoon in front of the computer doing association admin and updating the blog.
26°, Sun and high cloud

7.6.17: A Maze/Haze/Daze Day
This morning I was invited to my bank to meet the new (well, not so new; he's been there for over a year) manager and to review my account. I went with a piffling list of very mundane questions and was confronted with himself and a financial expert who wanted to sell me life assurance. Despite asking that they explain things slowly and in non technical language, after half an hour my head was hurting, not only with the French but all the figures and percentages. I called a halt and told them that instead of wasting their time any more, I'd come back another time with a friend who'd help me through the maze or maybe I should say, haze of it all.
So I've now arrived at my "holding" post, so you'll be glad to see that I've updated and taken down that photo of me in the silly hat!

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