Sunday 25 June 2017

Appreciative Friends, a Lazy Cat and a Photogenic Frog

My usual female companions for Sunday morning coffee were thin on the ground though on the plus side it gave Yasmin and I a good chance to catch up. What's more, she'd brought me some Iranian pistachio nougat; shame that I'm off sugar at the moment but no doubt I'll find a good home for it.
In the afternoon, I made a peach crumble cake to take to Kathy's this evening for dessert. Michel, JJ, Linde and I were invited for a BBQ. Weak of spirit, I did succumb to a small piece of cake and pleased to say that the others went for a couple pieces each. Kathy took the leftovers into her work the next day so that counts as a success I reckon.
Apart from us there was some other wildlife present; Kathy's new kitten put in a languid appearance as did a small frog that obligingly stayed put for a photo. Sad to say, the black cat didn't bring enough good luck to transform the frog into a prince but who needs a prince when there's cake on offer?
34°, early cloud burned off, sunny, humid

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