Friday 16 June 2017

Food to Share

16.6.17: La Vie en Rose
Started the day with Maggie on shopping duty for this evening's soirée tapas, the theme for which, was "rose". As you can see from the photo, the colour and the flower were in abundance.
Participants bring something sweet or savoury to put on the table to share while the Association provides the apéritfs, wine, juices and nibbles.
My humble offering was smoked mackerel pâté and crusty baguette which always goes down well. I tend to use peppered smoked mackerel rather than the horseradish in this recipe and some chopped walnuts
 The summer tapas evening is the time when all the workshop leaders receive a bottle of champagne for all their efforts. I was given one for the trip to Scotland. Martine, the President fought a valiant battle against all those who were too busy drinking, nibbling and chatting to listen.  Have to say that this kind of behaviour really annoys me but I've observed that there's little that get's between folk and an apéritif.
There was a lot of the food that either had too much sugar or gluten so my choice was somewhat limited. As a consequence, I spent the evening working behind the scenes and feeling a bit out of sorts with the whole thing, I didn't bother to take more than a couple of snaps. Needless to say the President, as usual, left before the rest of us. However, this time, as Maggie (and therefore her van)  wasn't with us, she had to load a lot of stuff into her 4x4 so didn't get off scot free. Sorry, if I sound grumpy!
On the way home I realised that I'd left my bag somewhere complete with money, keys, cards, etc. Rather than panic, I made my way over to the bar where Terry and Anne were having a drink and they helped me think through where it might be. Remembered that I'd left it on my chair when I went into the kitchen to wash up and that it had been cleared away by the time I left. I sped off back to the recreation ground with Terry in hot pursuit. It was dark by this time but thankfully, I was able to make out a small heap and there it was. Someone had taken it off the chair and left it on the ground. Phew!
Back at the bar, I had a welcome cup of tea though I would have preferred something a bit stronger.
33°, sunny

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